What Constitutes Breaking and Entering in Texas?

The act of breaking and entering, also known as B&E, involves unauthorized entry into a residence or building, usually with the intent to commit a crime on the premises. Some states have criminal laws that specifically define and prohibit breaking and entering. Other states, including Texas, cover the act of B&E with criminal statutes on […]

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Texas Theft Laws and Shoplifting Defenses

Shoplifting is America’s number one property crime, causing stores to bleed billions of dollars each year. It’s no surprise that businesses are fighting back against retail theft. Texas takes theft seriously, and if you’re staring down a shoplifting charge here, you must prepare for what’s at stake and how to defend yourself. Here’s the lowdown […]

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Are DWI Checkpoints Legal in Texas?

A DUI (driving under the influence) or DWI (driving while intoxicated) checkpoint or roadblock is defined by US law to be a specific location set up by law enforcement officers. At these locations, cars or people are searched by officers before being allowed to continue on their route. The aim of these searches in particular […]

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