Can a Texas DWI Warrant Be Served Out of State?

Like many other issues having to deal with legal procedures, warrants can be complex. Say you were in Texas visiting or have recently moved to another state, and during the time you were there, you were charged with a DWI. Now, picture this: there’s a warrant out there for your arrest, but you’re no longer […]

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Updated Crime Statistics in Fort Bend Texas

Fort Bend County, Texas is a vibrant community with rich cultural diversity, strong economics, and excellent reputation. However, like any County in the U.S., Fort Bend isn’t exactly immune to crime.  Whether you’re a resident, policymaker, or law enforcement agent, understanding the ins and outs of crime statistics in Fort Bend is crucial. This post […]

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Expunctions vs. Nondisclosures in Texas – What Should You Do?

If you have a criminal record in Texas, it doesn’t always mean it will follow you for the rest of your life. Generally, if you want to either get rid of or hide your record, there are two legal options available: Expunctions and non-disclosures – Both of which offer a fresh start, but they have […]

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