How a Pre-Trial Diversion Program Could Benefit Criminal Defendants in Montgomery County, Texas

If you’ve been charged with a crime in Montgomery County, Texas, you may be feeling anxious and uncertain about your future. You may be wondering how you can avoid a criminal record and the negative consequences that come with it. One option that may be available to you is to participate in a pre-trial diversion […]

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Occupational Driver’s License

An occupational driver’s license, also known as an “essential needs license,” is a special type of driver’s license that allows individuals to drive for certain purposes, such as going to and from work, school, or medical appointments, even if their regular driver’s license has been suspended or revoked. If you have had your driver’s license […]

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Evidence in a Criminal Case

Discovery is the process in a criminal case where both the prosecution and the defense are able to request and review evidence related to the case. The purpose of discovery is to allow both sides to prepare for trial and to ensure that each side has access to all relevant information. Don’t face a judge […]

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