Unraveling the Legalities of THC Gummies in Texas: What You Need to Know

While THC gummies are consumed for recreational and medicinal purposes, it cannot be assumed that they are legal in every state, especially Texas. The Lone Star state continues to crack down hard on drug possession, even those that seem pretty harmless, such as THC gummies. You may be surprised at the levels of punishment. It’s […]

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Poss CS PG 1 1G: Everything You Need to Know

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, more than 88,000 people get charged annually for drug possession and abuse. And while that seems like a reasonable number considering the number of residents, you’ll be surprised to know that this is almost 17% of the state’s total arrests! Drug laws in Texas are no joke; […]

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Navigating the Cite and Release Program in Houston: How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

Are you facing a nonviolent misdemeanor charge in Harris County, Texas? You may be eligible for the Cite and Release court, a program designed to reduce incarceration rates and support individuals who are charged with misdemeanors. This program allows police officers to issue citations to individuals who have been charged with certain offenses, rather than […]

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